
Hi Sarah,

Hope you are well. Just wanted to say thank you so much for being our Registrar a couple of weeks ago. It was a wonderful day. Just perfect and made even better for you being there.

Everybody commented just how lovely the service was and this was in part down to your lovely, friendly nature.

We did have a concern prior to meeting you that the service could be quite cold and that it would just feel like we were going through the motions, but this couldn't have been further from truth.

You were very calming during the wait for Vic to come through and then it really did feel like you meant every word. That you cared about what you were saying and this in turn made us really focus on what we were saying too.

Thanks again. If you ever need a reference you know where to come! 😉

Al & Vic,

Hi Julie,

I hope you're well. We just wanted to say a huge Thank You for marrying us on the 28th December!

The ceremony was perfect and you made it really personal to us. Everybody commented on how lovely it was.

You obviously really enjoy your job Julie because it absolutely shines through! I wish we could do it all over again....and if we could, I would want you to be there 🙂

Sending you very best wishes and thanks again.

Jo & Craig Gee,

Hi Lisa,

Just wanted to express our special thanks again for conducting our marriage ceremony last Saturday.

You made it such a special day for us as we wanted the relaxed and happy occasion which you provided.

Many of our friends and family commented on what a lovely ceremony it was although to be honest neither Sue or I can remember much about it (and we hadn’t had a drink either, well I hadn’t anyway).

Thanks again to you both and we hope you have an enjoyable and successful year.

Mr & Mrs Jones,

Hi Jayne,

Both Martin and I wanted to drop you a note to say a very big Thank-you to both you and your colleague for our wedding ceremony, after we left the cellar the castle staff just told us to follow them and it wasn't until Kate came with the marriage certificates we realised we hadn't caught up with you and you had already left, so please excuse our manners.

We were both very nervous and apprehensive about the service and you were very kind and supportive to us both, before and during our ceremony. We both enjoyed the ceremony we dreaded so much and that was purely down to you, the wedding guests also commented on the service and your delivery of it and had nothing but praise, saying it was lovely, perfect and just right for us and the occasion.

Thankyou for being part of our day and making it special and memorable to us for all the right reasons, and so very enjoyable.

Heartfelt Thanks and Kindest Regards.

Martin & Julie,


Emma and I would like to thank you for our amazing ceremony last Saturday. You helped settle our nerves and performed a lovely ceremony. We were both very very happy with it. So we thought we'd just drop a note to say thanks, all our guests commented on how lovely it was too.

Thanks again.

Emma & Jason,


Now that we have returned from our honeymoon in Madeira we just wanted to pass on our thanks for making our wedding day so special. Your care and thoughtfulness before, along with the touching words in your speeches during the service was much appreciated by ourselves and commented on by many of the guests afterwards.

Thanks again.

Andrew & Denise,