

Just wanted to say a huge thank you to you and your colleague for making our wedding ceremony on Friday so special. We had a wonderful time and your guidance before and during the ceremony was much appreciated!

Thanks again.

Mr and Mrs Cain,

Hi Sarah

We'd both like to thank you for our wonderful ceremony yesterday. It was perfect and felt so personal.

A lot of our guests have commented how lovely it was, thank you.

Emily & James,

Hi Sarah,

Just want to thank you for the fantastic service you gave on our wedding day, the emotion in your voice gave such a warm feel to the ceremony. Lots of people spoke so highly of the way you delivered the service.

We had a truly great day and just want to thank you for all you did.

Jonathan & Bev,

Dear Sarah,

Thank you so much for making our wedding so special, we are so pleased you were the one that "tied" us together.

We and the guests had a wonderful time, many said it was the best wedding they had been to and how you performed the ceremony really touched them with your heartfelt words and sentiments.

With eternal gratitude.

Mr & Mrs Smith,

Hi Fiona

I hope you are well, We have just returned from honeymoon and will be moving in together soon so very exciting times ahead.

I just wanted to thank you for everything you did for us to make our day so perfect. We couldn't have asked for a better person your calming nature was just what I needed and you really made us feel comfortable with everything.

Thank you again for everything.

Mr & Mrs Crabtree,

Dear Mr Jardine,

Thank you for the lovely wedding ceremony you conducted for Greg and Suruchi last Sunday. It made the occasion very personal to them and explained so much for all the guests from overseas for whom this was their first ever UK wedding. I know a lot of people were a little concerned that the ceremony may be a little 'sterile' as no religious context was allowed but Keith really made Greg and Suruchi feel 'special' and also emphasised the importance of the vows they were taking.

Alan & Susan Bristow ,