Hi Michelle,
Happy New Year to you.
I just wanted to get in touch with you to personally thank you for your efforts on our wedding day and the beautiful ceremony you conducted. At the time of meeting I was rather stressed and under intense pressure, not from the prospect of getting married, simply down to last minute issues and hoping that everything would all go to plan. Your calmness, thoughtfulness and professionalism was greatly appreciated by myself, I could not have asked for anything more from you at that moment.The ceremony you conducted was quite simply superb. Both my parents are staunch Catholics, regular churchgoers and I was always aware of the fact that, deep down, they would have always wished that we had got married in the traditional way in a church. The fact that both of my parents were reduced to tears, and both have waxed lyrically about how wonderful they thought the ceremony was, how beautiful and personal it was and that they were so pleasantly surprised was down to yourself and the way you conducted it. Lisa’s parent too and so many guests have approached us afterwards to say what a beautiful and personal ceremony it was and how they too had found it very emotional. Even some of my friends, who I have known a lifetime, and never seen them shed a tear, commented upon how emotional they found it too!!! You certainly hit the right notes as they say. A stellar performance for which I will be eternally grateful.
We absolutely can not thank you enough for your efforts and support and the fact that our children, especially Edward, were able to be so involved in the ceremony and of course the day itself. The sand box is now on display in the kitchen and will hopefully be a momento for many years to come. I genuinely thank you for coming to Owen House, sharing in our day and doing such a lovely job. It’s a credit to you, your office and the team you work with, that you pay that much attention to it in the first place.
I am more than happy to write you a personal recommendation for a pay rise come the time you sit down with your boss at your next appraisal!!!
Thank you once again from us both and I wish you a very happy 2020.
Rick and Lisa,